Voodoo - Casual Publishing game submission Terms & Conditions

Last updated on Dec 12, 2022

  1. Object: These terms and conditions govern the submissions of games on the Voodoo website within the context of the Voodoo Casual Publishing program. By submitting a game in the specified online form, participants accept and agree to abide by all the below terms.

  2. Submission: Any individual and/or entity which has developed an existing published mobile game (“Participating Studio”) may submit the game for review and consideration by Voodoo under the Voodoo Casual Publishing online submission form. This submission form is aimed at studios who have developed a game and wish to collaborate with Voodoo on growing their game. A Participating Studio understands that a submission does not impose any obligation on Voodoo to review the game, nor to revert with any response. Once submitted, Voodoo may choose to contact the Participating Studio for further discussion regarding their game.

  3. Reference: If the Participating Studio includes a third-party individual or entity who has introduced the Participating Studio to the Voodoo Casual Publishing program (“Reference") in their submission, the Reference may be eligible to receive one hundred thousand US dollars (100,000USD) if the Participating Studio goes on to sign a publishing agreement with Voodoo for a game that generates an operating margin above five million US dollars (5,000,000USD) for Voodoo (“Reference Reward”).

    1. The Participating Studio understands that the Reference Reward shall only be payable once and only to one entity and/or individual. For the avoidance of doubt, only one Reference Reward shall be payable per game.

    2. The Participating Studio understands that the Reference must not have a direct relationship nor any financial or other direct interest in the Participating Studio.

  4. Confidentiality: Voodoo agrees not to use any confidential information (including game metrics) disclosed to it by the Participating Studio for any purpose other than the review of the game. Voodoo will not disclose any confidential information of the Participating Studio to any third party and shall take all reasonable measures to protect the secrecy and avoid disclosure or non permitted use of confidential information in order to prevent it from falling into the public domain or the possession of persons other than those persons authorised hereunder to have any such information.

  5. No License Granted. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to grant any rights to either party or any of its representatives under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right, nor does the submission of  game by a Participating Studio grant either party or any of its representatives any rights in or to the other party’s information.

  6. No Commitment: Voodoo and the Participating Studio acknowledge and agree that the submission of a game does not represent, or is intended to represent, an exclusive arrangement between the parties or a commitment by either party to execute any agreement or enter into any other business relationship with the other party. The exchange of confidential information does not create a partnership, joint venture or other form of legal entity or business enterprise.

    If Voodoo and the Studio decide to enter into a business relationship, they will execute and deliver a separate written agreement to govern such a transaction or business relationship.

  7. Representations and warranties:  The Participating Studio represents and warrants that: 

    1. It is the valid, full and sole owner of the relevant game it is submitting for consideration to Voodoo; 

    2. The submission as well as any data submitted, is truthful and accurate.

    3. The game submitted does not infringe any law or intellectual property rights of any third party, or give rise to any legal claim by any third party; 

    4. It will not submit a game with content that is defamatory, harassing, grossly offensive, pornographic, fraudulent or illegal.

    5. It does not violate any applicable anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws and regulations in force, including but not limited to the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) and the U.K. Bribery Act;

    6. It does not work and/or is not located in a black-listed country as established by OFAC, or if such person or company is considered a Specially Designated National by OFAC (“SDN”).

  8. Use of Data: By submitting a game, the Participating Studio acknowledges that personal information such as names, email addresses, or contact details will be stored and processed by Voodoo for the purpose of the review and consideration of the game. In accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation, participants can request access, rectification or deletion of their personal information for legitimate reasons by contacting dpo@voodoo.io.

  9. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law: The present Terms and Conditions are governed by French law. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these submissions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Paris Courts.

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